
LowCVP will produce a report that outlines the evidence base for a dedicated local authority (LA) infrastructure grant to incentivise zero emission (ZE) technologies in public fleets (buses, taxis, council vans/cars). The report will review existing LA incentives and recommend a dedicated grant structure to ensure that the ZE infrastructure supports the widest possible range of vehicle times thereby ensuring a cost effective spend. To be considered is the creation of infrastructure charging hubs combining bus and taxi recharging to optimise utilisation of assets and benefit to multiple stakeholders. This project will link with the Partnership’s Electrification of Fleets - Current best practice & barriers and opportunities to future deployment project.


  • Review current public funding support for zero emission infrastructure within UK local authorities and complement with case studies from across the world.
  • Consult LAs already achieving or seeking support for ZE uptake in bus, taxi and other public fleets to identify current challenges and successes.
  • Compile recommendations for an infrastructure grant in a report for submission to DfT/OLEV.

Project Management & Stakeholder Engagement

The Partnership with member collaboration including local authorities, OEMs, operators and infrastructure providers.

Timeline & Deliverables

August – December 2019

Deliverables Date


October 2019

Recommendations Report

December 2019

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