Zemo Partnership is steered by a Board of Directors which provides overall strategic direction, agrees a rolling work plan and initiates Partnership activities. The Board comprises a minimum of 6 and maximum of 20 directors drawn from across the principal stakeholder groups:
Automotive manufacturers
Automotive supplier
- Consultant or technology provider or after service
- Fuel or energy supplier
- Transport operators and consumer organisation
- Public sector (including trusts, agencies NDPBs and local government)
- Environmental, academic and other organisations
Elected Board positions are for a three-year term and existing board members can stand for re-election at the end of their term. Elected directors require nomination from within their stakeholder group. The Board will also be able to co-opt individuals with specific skills and experience to serve one three-year term. The number of co-opted representatives in each stakeholder group will be decided by the Board. One position is reserved for the Chair of the Members Council.
The Board has re-selected Philip Sellwood as Chair for another year for the period 2023/24.
The funding Government Department (DfT) attends Board meetings as a contributing observer.