
LowCVP's former Innovation Working Group supported the introduction of new low carbon technologies. It helped deal with issues facing technology developers - in particular SMEs and academic institutions - finding partners, breaking down market barriers and generating commercial opportunities. The group's members included academics, emerging businesses, engineering consultants, test and evaluation houses, funding providers, local, regional and national government departments and various companies in the supply chain.

The current focus is to bring these ideals into line with LowCVP’s other working groups and have an innovation workstream running through all groups. It will be aimed at having dedicated discussions on how to develop a UK supply chain for low carbon vehicle technologies, fostering collaboration between UK SMEs and academic research institutions, assessing and addressing support to UK organisations and encouraging further private sector investment and engagement amongst LowCVP member organisations. Considerations around life cycle and air quality issues will also be factored in.

Policy makers, vehicle manufacturers, energy suppliers, operators and technology developers are to be gathered to explore future innovative technologies and form stakeholder clusters to exploit these opportunities. Ideally representatives of funding bodies will also be represented to assist the cluster formation.


  • Focusing key stakeholders’ perspectives of future transport markets and what innovative solutions are currently being developed.
  • Previous events to date have been successful in helping establish a number of consortiums resulting in Innovate UK and APC bids. These collaborative relationships with other innovation bodies should continue to be fostered.

Project Management and Stakeholder Engagement

Project to be led by Working Group Project Managers. At least one working group meeting dedicated to an innovative work theme within that sector.

Timeline and Deliverables

April 2019 - March 2020

Deliverables Date
Innovation Themed Working Group Meetings
(Presentations to be made accessible to all LowCVP members via the members’ area of website)
Throughout the year
Summary Paper from each meeting to be produced outlining direction and highlighting potential new project proposals for future work. Throughout the year


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If you want to get involved in the work of one or more of Zemo Partnership's Working Groups, why not join us, or contact the Secretariat for more information.
