E10 Introduction Toolkit


The Transport Energy Taskforce was tasked by DfT to ascertain if the Renewable Energy Directive’s (RED) 10% renewables in transport energy target was achievable by 2020, as well as recommendations for a UK fuels policy framework 2030. The recommended minimum risk pathway was to maximise use of biodiesel in B7 and to introduce E10 petrol. In 2018 the LowCVP and stakeholders produced the Successfully Deploying E10 Petrol report which recommended a government-led introduction of E10 petrol. A further call for evidence was issued in 2019 and DfT plans to proceed, identifying 3 potential options for a mandated introduction. A consultation is expected in late 2019, followed by an SI with mandated introduction of E10 petrol by 2021.

As a minority of cars, motorbikes and other petrol-powered equipment are still not manufacturer warranted for E10 petrol use, an information campaign with supporting guidance and advice will need to be rolled out. This builds on the AFID labelling campaign scheduled for summer 2019.

The LowCVP, through its work with stakeholders in the Transport Energy Taskforce, E10 Group and the AFID and E10 Group, has developed a considerable body of evidence in reference to the deployment of E10 petrol.


This project is in two stages:

  1. Supporting the development of a mandate for E10 petrol.
  2. Development of a public information campaign and toolkit for the introduction of E10 petrol.
1) Development of the Mandate

The FWG will support DfT in drafting an E10 mandate by assisting in the development of consultation options, ensuring key information availability to respondents. LowCVP will prepare a consultation response and help to review issues arising ahead of the Statutory Instrument. Stakeholders will be kept current on progress, to ensure market readiness, via the FWG and up to 3 bespoke workshops for the AFID & E10 Group.

2) E10 Campaign

Advance driver awareness will be key to a smooth introduction of E10. Therefore, LowCVP will agree a comprehensive centralised ‘E10 Petrol Launch Marketing Campaign’ with DfT and stakeholders. Several bespoke tools including an online vehicle compatibility checking tool are required alongside a ‘ready-made’ campaign for use by fuel retailers in forecourts, retail spaces and their own customer-facing channels.

Project Management & Stakeholder Engagement

LowCVP Secretariat to lead in collaboration with the DfT Low Carbon Fuels Division through the continuation of the AFID & E10 Group where key players in the fuel industry are already represented.

Timeline & Deliverables

September 2019 – December 2020

NB: Provisional timing

Deliverables Date
Mandate options workshop

Q3 2019

E10 Consultation response

Q4 2019

Campaign development

Q1 2020

Campaign & Toolkit delivery

Q3 2020


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