Supporting the HGV Market Decarbonisation

Background & Challenge

Commercial vehicles are responsible for approaching a fifth of the UK’s transport-related carbon dioxide emissions. They are, however, one of the hardest sectors of road transport to decarbonise because of their weight and typical long-haul duty cycles. Policy attention has focused much more on cars and vans which are less challenging to electrify. The commercial vehicle working group will provide a focus for the latest information and policy considerations to support the development and introduction of a range of decarbonisation approaches.


To synthesise existing evidence, facilitate expert engagement in providing input and proposals to inform the development of policy designed to encourage the introduction of low emission trucks

Actions & Outputs

  • Engage with other involved stakeholder and research communities to share expert guidance
  • Bring existing evidence to the table as a basis for proposals. For example: APC’s HGV Roadmap; CPC and H2 truck demonstrations; CSRF & high capacity heavier vehicles; Electric Road System trials; Other options, e.g. battery swapping and on-board CCS; LEFT-style technology evaluations; modal shift
  • Leverage access to information, evidence & expertise through linkages with other CV working group projects as well as other Zemo Partnership working groups


Ongoing 2020/21

Brian Robinson

Brian Robinson

Commercial Vehicle Emissions Consultant

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