Low Emission Taxi

Project Brief

Taxis (black taxis and private hire vehicles) can be an important source of road transport air pollution and CO2 emissions in cities. With the increasing pressure to improve local air quality and the establishment of Clean Air Zones and the London Ultra-Low Emission Zone, taxi operators will need to evaluate the suitability of their current vehicle(s) with regards to achieving mandatory vehicle emission standards. There are a range of fuel and technology options a taxi operator can choose in order to shift to a cleaner fleet, taking into account reducing NOx and PM emissions in conjunction with GHG emissions.

Zemo Partnership, in collaboration with the Energy Saving Trust (EST), has produced a Low Emission Taxi guide for local authorities. The guide identifies how different low emission technologies and fuels best suit different taxi operations, both black cabs and private hire vehicles. In addition the guide provides a range of national and local policies and measures aimed at accelerating the take-up of low emission taxis. Guidance on deploying an electric vehicle infrastructure is provided and advice on partnership working.


  • To set out the business, environmental and operational case for low emission taxis.
  • To provide a brief overview of the policy framework national, regional and local relating to air quality, climate change and specifically to taxis. Highlight current fiscal incentives.
  • To provide an overview of the range of low/ultra emission technologies and fuels suitable for taxis and match these to different types of operators and journey patterns. Demonstrate total cost of ownership and environmental performance. Provide guidance on charging and refuelling infrastructure.
  • To present low emission taxi operator and local authority case studies from different parts of the UK.


  • Low Emission Taxi GuideLow Emissions Taxi Guide.
  • Local authority workshop - The workshop took place on Monday, 14th January 2019 at Birmingham City Council.
    Presentations from the workshop are available to download below:
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