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Accelerating Transport to Zero Emissions
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404 resources found [Displaying 121 to 150]
GOOD PRACTICE GUIDE IN SUMMARY - Prepared by Urban Foresight - June 2015
Report commissioned by the Dept for Transport and completed by Ricardo-AEA on designing and piloting a testing protocol to measure greenhouse gas and air quality pollutant emissions from HGVs.
A good practice guide for local authorities to encourage update of LEVs. Prepared for LowCVP by Urban Foresight - June 2015
A roadmap for the delpoyment of methane infrastructure to support future vehicles and fuels to 2050 - June 2015 - Prepared for the LowCVP by Element Energy
A roadmap for the delpoyment of transport energy infrastructure to support future vehicles and fuels to 2050 - June 2015 - Prepared for the LowCVP by Element Energy
A roadmap for the deployment of electricity infrastructure to support future vehicles and fuels to 2050 - June 2015 - Prepared for the LowCVP by Element Energy
A roadmap for the deployment of liquid fuels infrastructure to support future vehicles and fuels to 2050 - June 2015 - Prepared for the LowCVP by Element Energy
A roadmap for the deployment of hydrogen infrastructure to support future vehicles and fuels to 2050 - June 2015 - Prepared for the LowCVP by Element Energy
This guide considers all the infrastructure elements of EV charging and provides a reference for the different technologies and how they are used. - June 2015 - Produced by BEAMA with support from LowCVP
The 14th New Car CO2 Report explores key developments of the automotive industry in 2014. It outlines UK automotive performance relating to CO2 emissions, market trends and the different drivers of development.
Results from a collaborative initiative between the Department for Transport and the Low Carbon Vehicle Partnership
Winners of a LowCVP competition, chosen to exhibit at a LowCVP Parliamentary Reception, Terrace Pavilion, House of Commons, March 2015
Final report by consultants E4tech
Lessons from the first decade of UK policy on the road to 2050. LowCVP-commissioned report published alongside the LowCVP Annual Conference 2014
Review and role of incentive mechanisms. Report prepared for the LowCVP by Transport & Travel Research Ltd, in partnership with TRL. June 2014
Identification of barriers to uptake of low carbon buses. Report prepared for the LowCVP by Transport & Travel Research Ltd, in partnership with TRL. June 2014
Prepared for the LowCVP by Transport & Travel Research Ltd, in partnership with TRL. June 2014
Costs benefits and likely take-up of selected low carbon technologies. Report prepared for the LowCVP by Transport & Travel Research Ltd, in partnership with TRL. June 2014
Analysis of the UK minibus market and potential for cutting carbon and other emissions for the LowCVP by Transport and Travel Research (TTR).
Element Energy Report for the LowCVP - Appendix
Element Energy Report for the LowCVP
Air quality emissions impacts of low CO2 technology for buses. Ricardo UK commissioned by LowCVP. October 2013
December 2013 revision to the Best Practice Principles, last published in 2011
Element Energy Ltd study, commissioned by BP Biofuels. September 2013
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