14th Int. Forum on Advanced Microsystems for Automotive Applications (AMAA)

Add to Calendar 2010-05-10 9 a.m. 2010-05-10 Europe/London 14th Int. Forum on Advanced Microsystems for Automotive Applications (AMAA) Berlin, Germany
Date:10 May 2010
Time:9 a.m.
Website:Visit website
Contact:Dr Gereon Meyer, gmeyer@vdivde-it.de
Location:Berlin, Germany
Full Address:Harnack House Ihnestrasse 14195 Berlin-Dahlem Germany


The automobile of the future has to meet two primary requirements: the super-efficient use of energy and power and the ultra-safe transportation of people and goods. Both features are growingly enabled by smart, adaptive and context aware ICT components and systems rather than by the mechanical means of classic automotive engineering alone. The most advanced case of this trend is the electrified vehicle combining a full electric power train with completely electronic controls like smart power and energy managers, steer by wire technologies and intelligent networking capabilities. It can be foreseen that beyond being beneficial for climate protection the electrified vehicle will contribute to a further reduction of road accidents and traffic deaths. Moreover, it will revolutionize the way a car is manufactured: the change of engineering focus from mechanics to information technology will make it easier than ever before to deliver cars individually configured to customer demands. It has been the mission of the International Forum on Advanced Microsystems for Automotive Applications (AMAA) for more than twelve years now to detect paradigm shifts like these and to discuss the technological implications from early on. Therefore, the topic of the AMAA 2010 will be Smart Systems for Green Cars and Safe Mobility. Topics: Electrified Vehicles, Powertrain Efficiency, Road and Passenger Safety, Traffic Management, Driver Assistance.

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