Zemo Partnership responds to RTFO Consultation
Mon 27 January 2025
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Zemo has responded to the recent consultation on the future of the UK's Renewable Transport Fuels Obligation (RTFO). The Government was seeking views on the current RTFO and how it can be improved, including the treatment of crops and wastes.
Having a long history of engagement with UK renewable fuels policy going back to - and beyond - the 2008 Gallagher Review and continuing to the Partnership's current engagement as originator and manager of the Renewable Fuels Assurance Scheme and spin-off, the Sustainable Racing Fuels Assurance Scheme, Zemo is well placed to comment on the RTFO.
The Government's consultation focused on several policy areas:
- RTFO main obligation targets
- how low carbon fuels are rewarded under the RTFO
- treatment of fuels derived from crops
- treatment fuels derived from wastes
- RTFO development fuel obligation
- The administration of the RTFO
Zemo Partnership's response proposes that the main obligation should target the opportunities that exist for maximising greenhouse gas (GHG) emission savings from road transport to 2032 and beyond. Zemo says that the main obligation should aim to achieve larger incremental increases over time, given that GHG emission benefits are cumulative and greater savings can be achieved earlier.
Zemo's response focuses primarily on the near-term opportunities to cut emissions in the hard-to-electrify heavy goods vehicle (HGV) and non-road mobile machinery (NRMM) sectors, where market-wide adoption of zero emission at the tailpipe technology is in its infancy.
For more information, please contact the Zemo secretariat.
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