Sweden aims for fossil fuel phase-out

Tue 11 January 2005 View all news

Sweden's prime minister, Goran Persson, will lead a working group to consider a proposed phase-out of fossil fuels in the country by 2020.

The report, in Dagens Nyheter newspaper, notes that 2020 is already Sweden's target date for achieving full environmental sustainability.

The fossil fuel phase out will require the forging of a consensus between regional authorities, agriculture and industry.

The prime minister's announcement follows a proposal by Social Democratic MPs to the Nordic Council of Ministers calling for the creation of a regional common market in alternatives to fossil fuels, perhaps modelled on the existing Nord Pool electricity exchange.

Fossil fuels currently account for about 35% of Sweden's energy supply. Along with Iceland, Sweden is one of only two OECD countries deriving less than 50% of their total energy from fossil sources.

Related Links

Dagens Nyheter article (in Swedish)
Nordic News - call to phase out fossil fuels

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