Report shows carbon reduction progress by car brand across Europe

Mon 20 September 2010 View all news

Nearly all of Europe’s top 25 car brands reduced average new car CO2 emissions of cars sold in Europe in the first half of 2009 compared with 2008 according to a report by JATO Dynamics an auto industry market intelligence organisation.

Overall, there was a 6.2g/km reduction in CO2 emissions in the first half of 2009 compared with the same period in 2008.

Across the full range of vehicles the top three high volume brands with the lowest average emissions were Fiat, Toyota and Peugeot. Smart, Fiat and Mini are already under the 130g/km average required by European regulation in 2015.

The top-performing companies in terms of emissions reductions in F1 2009 vs F1 2008 were Chevrolet (15.2%), Audi (14.4%) and Toyota (13.6%).

In terms of national reductions, Ireland (17.1%), Germany (11.3%) and Netherlands (9.8%) led the way over the same time period. The UK was in fifth position with an 8.4% reduction.

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