Porsche 'considering legal action' over EU 2012 regulations

Fri 14 September 2007 View all news

Porsche is reported to be considering taking legal action if the EU proceeds with proposed new CO2 emissions regulations aimed a cutting average new car emissions to 120g/km by 2012. The German newspaper, Sueddeutsche Zeitung, cited a spokesman for the German carmaker.

The makers of larger, higher-emissions cars, including Porsche, have said the planned regulation favours companies that make smaller compact cars, which commonly have lower emissions levels. German carmakers, in particular, produce a larger number of powerful cars that would make it harder for them to reach the 2012 target than carmakers based in Italy or France.

The Porsche spokesman said the regulation would distort competition. 'We would have to take legal steps,' Sueddeutsche Zeitung reported.

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