New report identifies greater potential for car sharing

Sat 20 April 2013 View all news

A new report from car sharing accreditation body, Carplus, has indicated that the market for car sharing could be expanded through a more collaborative approach, as well as through improved incentives and the adoption of recognised standards and a code of practice for the sector.

The recommendation for the establishment of a car sharing standards body features in the conclusions of the Carplus report entitled 'Where is 2+ car sharing headed? - A review of the journey sharing sector and opportunities for future development'.

The report also proposes that a new body should establish a recognised 2+ brand that can be adopted in signage and in marketing communications and campaign for better more visible incentives in parking and road space allocation for journey sharers. It would also act as an advocate for innovation and best practice in user privacy and safeguards.

Chas Ball, Chief Executive at Carplus commented: “We believe that through establishing an agreed platform, the sector will be better placed to secure a growth in support for journey sharing activities and policies. As the effects of the recession and rising energy costs impact on the cost of commuting and discretionary travel, this sector can make a greater contribution to mobility”.

A consultation event – ‘The Future of Journey Sharing’ – to garner views of relevant was recently held in London. The event aimed to provide ‘car share’ service providers, commissioning bodies and users with the opportunity to discuss the findings in the report and voice their views on the proposals. They also had the opportunity to hear presentations and participate in live debates on the issues identified in the report.

The Ride Share Working Group consists of representatives from ACT Travelwise, Ways2Work, Carplus Board members and journey sharing service providers from the Carplus membership. The final version of the report is planned for publication in summer 2013.

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