Major report on sustainable mobility published

Wed 07 July 2004 View all news

Mobility can be made sustainable but to meet the challenge will require cooperation and effort from every level of society. This is one of the headline conclusions of 'Mobility 2030: Meeting the Challenges to Sustainability' which has been published by the World Business Council on Sustainable Development.

The report has been developed by 12 global automotive and energy companies who have worked together for four years, under the sponsorship of the WBCSD. Most of the members - including GM, Ford, Toyota, Shell, BP, Daimler Chrysler, Honda, Nissan, Renault and VW are also members of the LowCVP.

The report's seven goals include: the reduction of health-damaging local pollution; limiting greenhouse gas emissions to sustainable levels; cutting traffic-related deaths and serious injuries; reducing noise; mitigating traffic congestion; narrowing 'mobility inequalities' worldwide; and preserving and improving existing mobility opportunities.

Related Links

WBSCD web-site (to download report)

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