LowCVP survey seeks evidence from HGV operators to inform work on low carbon truck development - Deadline extended!

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Fri 10 January 2020 View all news

LowCVP is seeking evidence from HGV operators to inform work on development of next-generation, fuel efficient & low carbon road freight vehicles. The questions seek your views on what proportion of a truck’s distances travelled are typically on city, urban, regional or motorway type roads, and how those proportions vary by size and weight of HGV, as well as info on typical daily and weekly mileages and fuel consumption.

All responses are confidential.

The survey deadline is 14 February 2020.


Background: In 2018, the UK Government published its “Road to Zero” strategy paper for road transport. One of the commitments made was to “reduce emissions from heavy goods vehicles (HGVs) and road freight by working with industry to develop an ultra-low emission standard for trucks”. The intention is that these ULET definitions will help to provide clarity on emissions standards and encourage industry-focused technology development in pursuit of cost-effective, fuel-efficient new vehicles.

In the bus market, such standards (ULEBs) have already been developed and have helped, along with linked financial incentives, to dramatically improve the adoption of next-generation vehicle technologies. In the car and van markets, ULEV standards have had similar effects and have been used in a variety of ways, e.g. preferential access to urban areas, VED reductions and free parking. It is hoped that ULET standards could be used in a similarly wide variety of ways, in line with overall climate targets.

The Department for Transport (DfT) has tasked the Low Carbon Vehicle Partnership (LowCVP) with turning this commitment into a set of detailed proposals. By answering the questions in this survey, HGV operators (vehicles over 3.5 tonnes gross weight) will help to ensure any such proposals are firmly grounded in operational realities. You will also be ensuring that the standards are designed to deliver the most cost-effective solutions to your business, that maximise fuel and emissions savings and make good economic sense.

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