London and local authority plans for carbon-based car charges announced

Wed 15 November 2006 View all news

The Mayor of London, Ken Livingstone, intends to take forward plans to introduce an emissions-based congestion charging scheme. Under the proposals, the highest emitting (band G) vehicles would pay a daily charge of £25 while Band A and B vehicles would enter the charging zone free.

The Mayor, who says that the plans will be the subject of a consultation, proposes that the following charges should apply:

Vehicle Excise Duty Band Charge
A and B (less than 120g CO2 per km) which meet Euro IV standard £0 (100 per cent discount)
C, D, E, F £8 (as now)
G (above 225g CO2 per km) £25

Subject to the outcome of the consultation, it is proposed that the 100 per cent discount for the least polluting vehicles will be introduced in 2008. The surcharge for band G vehicles would be introduced from 2009/10, although the Mayor has asked Transport for London to examine the possibility of an earlier start date.

The 90 per cent resident's discount for people living within the congestion charging zone, would be withdrawn for vehicles in band G.

The London news follows an announcement by Richmond-upon-Thames Council that it has drawn up proposals to charge more for residents’ parking permits for people with higher carbon cars. 

Under Richmond's proposals, people with the lowest emitting vehicles would pay no parking fees while others will qualify for reductions of up to 50%.  There would be a sliding scale for higher emission vehicles with the highest being charged up to three times current rates.

Richmond also proposes to charge households an extra 50% for permits on second and subsequent cars  - on top of the adjusted payments for emissions.

The proposals, if implemented, would make Richmond the first authority in the UK to introduce a carbon basis for residents' parking.

Related Links

GLA press release
Richmond Council press release

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