Legislative procedure for 2020 new car CO2 targets in European Parliament announced

Sun 16 September 2012 View all news

The European Parliament has published the procedures to take place towards implementation of the 2020 new car and van CO2 targets. The Environment, Public Health and Food Safety Committee has lead responsibility while Industry, Research and Energy is the associated Committee.

The draft legislation is also scheduled to be debated by the Internal Market and Consumer Protection and the Transport and Tourism Committees, who will provide an opinion.

The political coordinators of the ENVI committee recently met to allocate both the Cars & CO2 and Vans & CO2 file. The Vans file was allocated to the ALDE (liberal), and the Cars file to the EPP (conservative). The Rapporteur and shadows have as yet to be decided and announced. This information is expected soon.

The LowCVP recently ran a webinar for OLEV/DfT to allow LowCVP members and stakeholders to input views on the new proposals to help inform the UK Government position. (For more details about this please contact the LowCVP Secretariat.)

Activity on the passage of the legislation will be recorded on the European Parliament website.  

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