Government consultation on car & van zero emission vehicle (ZEV) mandate closes on June 10

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Thu 26 May 2022 View all news

The Government's consultation which seeks views on the design of the UK’s zero emission vehicle (ZEV) mandate for cars and vans will close on June 10. Zemo is preparing a response to the consultation, based on member feedback from a meeting held in late May. 

Launched as part of the Net Zero strategy and due to commence in 2024, the ZEV mandate will require manufacturers to sell a certain proportion of fully electric vehicles or hydrogen fuel cell zero emission (ZEVs) in the lead up to 2030.

Through the ZEV mandate, manufacturers will have ZEV sales converted into ‘certificates’ which they will be required to hold to the end of each year based on the total number of vehicles they’ve sold. There will also be targets for CO2 emissions to regulate non ZEVs. Fines will be levied on manufacturers that don't meet their targets.

The scheme will include provisions for the trading of certificates with one system proposed for cars and one for vans; cross-trading between the two systems won't be allowed under the current proposals.

The Government is specifically consulting on five key areas:

  • The level of ZEV annual uptake (trajectories)
  • How certificates could be allocated and used
  • The banking, borrowing and transfer of ZEV certificates
  • The possibility of derogations and exemptions within the ZEV mandate
  • How to regulate the non-ZEV (CO2-emitting) portion of the fleet

Zemo has been asked by DfT to provide input to the consultation. To inform this, the Partnership hosted a productive meeting on 25th May involving over 25 expert members from across industry and related sectors.  Reflecting the wide range of member views, many interesting perspectives and observations were captured (using a MIRO board and other processes).  An informal initial response will be given to DfT, ahead of the final submission on June 10th

Zemo will also be involved in developing a related life-cycle assessment (LCA) modelling process to help assess the GHG effects of the various trajectories being considered under the ZEV mandate.

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