European Parliament moves to simplify regulations on hydrogen vehicles

Thu 04 September 2008 View all news

The European Parliament has supported Commission proposals aimed at simplifying regulation for hydrogen powered vehicles. EU Member States will have the final say but the Commission has already stressed its approval of the move.

Currently, uniform requirements for hydrogen vehicles are not included in the EU vehicle type-approval system. The result, according to the Commission, is "a fragmented internal market for hydrogen powered vehicles, as well as complicated and costly approval procedures, which discourages the introduction of this environmentally friendly technology."

Commission Vice-President Günter Verheugen, responsible for enterprise and industry, said: "The agreement in the European Parliament is a big step forward in the introduction of hydrogen vehicles. They have the potential to make Europe's air cleaner and reduce its dependency on fossil fuels. Setting common standards will ensure high safety for citizens and will boost the competitiveness of European manufacturers."


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