European Parliament approves compromise on Euro 5 and 6 emissions standards

Wed 13 December 2006 View all news

The European Parliament has approved the details of tougher emissions standards for new cars and vans that will be introduced in 2009 and 2014 respectively. The standards cover pollutants with a local impact but not the main climate change emissions.

It is expected that the deal will now be approved by national governments and will enter into force early in 2007.

Environmental groups were disappointed that the agreement allows a three-year exemption to the Euro 5 standards for sports utility vehicles (SUVs). Environmentalists also complained that the Euro 6 limits were weaker than standards already in place across much of the US.

ENDS reported an EU presidency source as rejecting the criticism, saying that the standards were "as tough as it was politically possible to agree".

ACEA, the European car producers’ association said that the new limits would be "extremely difficult to meet" and would hamper the reduction of carbon dioxide emissions from passenger cars.

Related Links

European Parliament Press Release
T&E response - press release
ACEA response - press release

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