European Commission puts forward proposals to tackle carbon emissions from HGVs for first time

Mon 21 May 2018 View all news

The European Commission has put forward proposals to regulate carbon emissions from heavy-duty vehicles for the first time. Lorries, coaches and buses contribute 6% of all the EU's carbon emissions and their share is growing. The plan aims to cut emissions from the sector by 30% by 2030.

HDV carbon dioxide emissions are currently unregulated across the EU. Under the proposals, by 2025 average emissions from trucks will have to be 15% lower than in 2019 and by 2030 an indicative 30% target will apply.

An impact assessment into buses and coaches is still pending and as such, they will remain exempt until at least 2022 when a review of the rules will be conducted.

Increasing fuel efficiency is also seen as an opportunity for Europe to maintain its competitiveness. The US and China have had limits on truck emissions in place for several years.

The initial proposal will include incentives for new zero and low-emission vehicles in the form of a 'super credits system'.

A group of five EU members, including France and the Netherlands, had called for a binding 2025 target of “at least 24%” and a 2030 benchmark of between 35% and 45%. Some companies like IKEA and Unilever also pushed for more ambition.

The Brussels-based NGO Transport & Environment said that only a 24% 2025 reduction target could put the aspiration of zero emissions transport within reach.

ACEA,  the trade body for the European auto industry, said the new targets were “far too aggressive”. Secretary General Erik Jonnaert said: “It would seem as though the Commission has simply taken the exact CO2 reduction levels it already proposed for cars and vans, and applied them directly to heavy-duty vehicles, without fully recognising the fundamental differences between these vehicle segments.” 

The LowCVP has been working for several years to provide a basis for comparing HGV emissions as well as to accredit effective retrofit technologies to cut emissions from existing vehicles. For more information visit the LowCVP Commercial Vehicle Working Group section of the website.

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