EEA says van manufacturers must improve model efficiency to meet emissions targets

Tue 18 June 2013 View all news

The European Environment Agency (EEA) has said vans must become more efficient if European Union 2017 and 2020 carbon dioxide   reduction targets are to be met. According to Agency data, an average van used in Europe currently produces about 180.3g of CO2 per kilometre. However, the limit outlined for 2017 only allows 175g, and is to be further decreased by 2020 to 147g, which will require an 18.5% reduction on current levels.

EEA executive director, Hans Bruyninckx, said: "To cut emissions significantly, manufacturers will need to improve the technology of their vehicles and sell more efficient models. The good news is that there is huge potential for using new technologies which are well-suited to the way vans are used, including electric or hybrid vehicle technology."

The targets set by EU legislation were adopted in 2011 and commit Member States to report all new vehicles sold each year with each manufacturer assigned an individual target, calculated using the average mass of their registered vehicles.

The data also found that pure electric vehicles represent 0.5% of the vehicles sold, while the average van sold in Cyprus had the lowest CO2 emissions per kilometre (141g CO2/km). However, emissions were 43% higher for the average van sold in Slovakia (201g CO2/km).

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