Defra announces climate change consultation

Sun 12 September 2004 View all news

The Government has announced an extensive consultation on the review of the UK Climate Change Programme. In making the consultation announcement, the Government has also acknowledged that while the UK is on course to meet Kyoto obligations, it is falling behind the self-imposed 20% reduction target for 2010.

Government highlights several areas in which it expects progress to be made including more environmentally friendly transport, biofuels and cleaner vehicle technology. Other areas of particular focus include biomass to help renewable energy targets,  the EU emissions trading scheme and energy efficiency.

Margaret Beckett said: "We want to do more, and the consultation indicates the key areas where we believe more can be achieved. This review also shows our commitment to the existing programme of climate change measures, and we will be publishing a revised programme in the first half of 2005."

The Government will embark on a series of regional and sectoral meetings during the 12-week consultation period. The deadline for consultation responses to be received by Defra is 2 March 2005.

The Scottish Executive has responsibility for environmental policy in Scotland and is also undertaking a review of climate change policy to coincide with the UK consultation. The Scottish Executive is seeking views on whether Scotland should have its own carbon emissions reduction target, independent of that for the combined UK. 

Related Links

Defra - consultation paper link
Scottish Executive Consultation

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