Average new car emissions fell 3.3% in 2008

Fri 22 January 2010 View all news

Official figures published by the European Commission show that average emissions from new passenger cars fell by 3.3% to 153.5g CO2/km in 2008. This is the largest annual fall since monitoring began and confirms unofficial results which were published earlier.

The Commission's data (available via the associated link) confirms the findings of Brussels-based NGO Transport and Environment (T&E) which was published in September last year.

The Commission reports that the difference in average new car emissions between the states which have recently joined the EU and the original members has narrowed markedly - from almost 10g CO2/km in 2005 to less than 1g CO2/km in 2008.

ENDS report, based on the Commission's publication, says that the share of alternative fuel vehicles doubled from 2007 to 2008, now accounting for 1.3% of new passenger cars compared with 51.4 and 47.3% for diesel and petrol respectively. Average emissions from cars using alternative fuels, which include LPG, natural gas, bioethanol and electricity, were 137 g/km compared with 151.1 g/km for diesel. Under EU law,  car manufacturers must comply with an average emission limit of 130 g/km for new cars sold by 2015.

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