Zemo Partnership - Exemptions to the 2035 phase-out date consultation workshop

Zemo Partnership EventMembers only
Zemo Partnership EventZemo Partnership Event
Add to Calendar 2022-06-27 14:00 2022-06-27 15:30 Europe/London Zemo Partnership - Exemptions to the 2035 phase-out date consultation workshop MSTeams
Date:27 Jun 2022
Time:14:00 - 15:30
Contact:Mr Brian Robinson


This workshop will provide an opportunity for CVWG members to contribute their views and supporting evidence to inform Zemo’s response to the DfT’s “call for evidence on exemptions to the 2035 phase-out date for the sale of new non-zero emission HGVs 26 tonnes and under”. Full details of the call for evidence are available on Gov.UK:

Members attending are advised to read through this document ahead of the workshop.

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