Transport Technology and Climate Change: Building a Greener Scotland

Add to Calendar 2009-06-29 9.30 2009-06-295.30 Europe/London Transport Technology and Climate Change: Building a Greener Scotland The Scottish Government has set ambitious targets for a greener Scotland in which transport has a critical role to play. This conference will examine the implications of climate change for transport, including emerging low carbon technologies, procurement of greener vehicles, and behavioural change.
Glasgow Royal Concert Hall
Date:29 Jun 2009
Website:Visit website
Location:Glasgow Royal Concert Hall
Full Address:Glasgow Royal Concert Hall, Glasgow


The Scottish Government has set ambitious targets for a greener Scotland in which transport has a critical role to play. This conference will examine the implications of climate change for transport, including emerging low carbon technologies, procurement of greener vehicles, and behavioural change.

This event will include keynote addresses from leading experts, a series of facilitated workshops, a panel discussion and an exhibition.

In addition, the conference will launch the Scottish Government's planned consultation on the use of cleaner vehicles and alternative fuels to reduce emissions from road transport.

The keynote speaker is Stewart Stevenson MSP, Minister for Transport, Infrastructure and Climate Change. For the full agenda and details, please follow the associated link. 

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