The Pricing of Progress: Intelligent road charging for a smarter, more competitive Europe - 28 September, Brussels

Add to Calendar 2010-09-28 9am 2010-09-285pm Europe/London The Pricing of Progress: Intelligent road charging for a smarter, more competitive Europe - 28 September, Brussels With support from the Belgian Presidency of the Council of the EU, T&E, Fdration Inter-Environnement Wallonie and Bond Beter Leefmilieu Vlaanderen will host a major international conference on the future of lorry charging to achieve a cleaner, smarter and more competitive Europe. Goethe Institute, rue Belliard 58, B-1040 Brussels
Date:28 Sep 2010
Website:Visit website
Location:Goethe Institute, rue Belliard 58, B-1040 Brussels


With support from the Belgian Presidency of the Council of the EU, T&E, Fédération Inter-Environnement Wallonie and Bond Beter Leefmilieu Vlaanderen will host a major international conference on the future of lorry charging to achieve a cleaner, smarter and more competitive Europe.

With the majority of EU Member States now implementing or investigating options for lorry charging, and EU discussion resuming on including external costs in road tolls for lorries, this international conference is a timely opportunity to discuss experiences, expectations and plans for national tolling systems. The latest scientific insights for policy-makers will be presented in today’s economic context, along with a discussion of the potential of road pricing to stimulate innovation in the transport and logistics sectors.

For more information, visit:


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