Powering the Electric and Low Emission Vehicle Future Increasing Uptake, Opportunities for the Motor Industry & the Energy Grid

Add to Calendar 2017-07-05 08.30 2017-07-0513.00 Europe/London Powering the Electric and Low Emission Vehicle Future Increasing Uptake, Opportunities for the Motor Industry & the Energy Grid

Is the UK prepared for the Electric and Low Emission Vehicle Future?  Six months on from the release of the Government’s Industrial Strategy Green Paper in which Electric and Low-Emission Vehicles was announced as one of five new ‘sector deals’ this forum will discuss the next steps to increase the uptake of Electric & ULEV. Delegates will also examine the commercial opportunities of Electric & ULEV and latest thinking on how the UK can anticipate and prepare for the system impacts and opportunities for the electricity system of the shift to EVs. 

Adelaide House, London Bridge
Date:05 Jul 2017
Website:Visit website
Location:Adelaide House, London Bridge
Full Address:

  Adelaide House, London Bridge, London EC4R 9HA


Is the UK prepared for the Electric and Low Emission Vehicle Future?

Six months on from the release of the Government’s Industrial Strategy Green Paper in which Electric and Low-Emission Vehicles was announced as one of five new ‘sector deals’ this forum will discuss the next steps to increase the uptake of Electric & ULEV.

Delegates will also examine the commercial opportunities of Electric & ULEV and latest thinking on how the UK can anticipate and prepare for the system impacts and opportunities for the electricity system of the shift to EVs. Discussion of what an increase in electricity used for vehicles will mean for the network supplying them; Ensuring all charge points are interoperable between networks and can interact with the grid; Latest thinking on Domestic vehicle-to-grid (V2G) technology and likely subsequent changes to domestic energy use and charging frameworks.

Key areas to be addressed:

  • Provision of User-Friendly Infrastructure, Financial Incentives & Air Quality
  • The Industrial Strategy, Battery Technology and New Skills
  • Smart Grid, Energy Storage and Interoperability of Infrastructure

With a keynote address from: Natasha Robinson, Head of Office of Low Emission Vehicles and further presentations from:

  • Mark Dale, Innovation and Low Carbon Networks Engineer, Western Power Distribution,
  • Andy Eastlake, Managing Director, Low Carbon Vehicle Partnership,
  • Robert Evans, Chief Executive Officer, Cenex - Advanced Technology Innovation Centre,
  • Gill Nowell, Senior Consultant - Smart Interventions, EA Technology and
  • Matthew Trevaskis, Head of Electric Vehicles, Renewable Energy Association.

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