PACTS conference - Safety and Sustainability: Developing a Seamless Approach

Add to Calendar 2009-03-11 9.30am 2009-03-11 4.15pm Europe/London PACTS conference - Safety and Sustainability: Developing a Seamless Approach This conference - organised by the Parliamentary Advisory Council for Transport Safety (PACTS) - will explore the opportunities to make safety and sustainability complementary approaches. For example: how can we create environments that will encourage people to walk and cycle? Can business travel become both safe and sustainable? Can we identify the policy trade-offs needed to decide which should take priority? The Royal Society of the Arts, London WC2
Date:11 Mar 2009
Time:9.30am - 4.15pm
Website:Visit website
Location:The Royal Society of the Arts, London WC2


This conference - organised by the Parliamentary Advisory Council for Transport Safety (PACTS) - will explore the opportunities to make safety and sustainability complementary approaches. For example: how can we create environments that will encourage people to walk and cycle? Can business travel become both safe and sustainable? Can we identify the policy trade-offs needed to decide which should take priority?

The speakers come come from local authorities, the private sector, consultants and user groups, each bringing a specific perspective to the debate on developing a safe, sustainable transport system.

The speakers include;

Louise Ellman MP, Co-chair PACTS

Jim Fitzpatrick MP, Parliamentary Under Secretary, transport

Jillian Anable, University of Aberdeen

Malcolm Shepherd, Sustrans 

Shamit Gaiger, RSSB

John Dales, Urban Initiatives

Tony Armstrong, Living Streets

Sean Shiels and Kaye Smith, Nottingham City Council

Dan Rapson, SAFED

Paul Gallemore, Wolseley UK

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