Next steps for a national air quality plan

Add to Calendar 2017-06-15 09:00 2017-02-1613:00 Europe/London Next steps for a national air quality plan
The seminar will provide opportunity to assess Government’s plans for improving air quality. Planned sessions look at priorities for reducing pollution levels with the aim of meeting environmental requirements and improving public health. There will be discussions on the implementation and funding of new clean air zones in many cities, and what policy measures should be pursued to reduce CO2 and NO2 levels in the air.
Central London
Date:15 Jun 2017
Website:Visit website
Location:Central London


The seminar will provide opportunity to assess Government’s plans for improving air quality. Planned sessions look at priorities for reducing pollution levels with the aim of meeting environmental requirements and improving public health. There will be discussions on the implementation and funding of new clean air zones in many cities, and what policy measures should be pursued to reduce CO2 and NO2 levels in the air.
It comes in the context of Defra expected to publish an updated air quality plan following the High Court ruling that plans were not sufficient, as well as the upcoming guidance due to be issued by NICE around the time of this conference. 
Planned sessions look at the priorities for reducing pollution levels with the aim of meeting environmental requirements and improving public health, with discussion on the implementation and funding of new clean air zones across the country, and what policy measures should be pursued to reduce CO2 and NO2 levels in the air. 
Further discussion will focus on measures to reduce emissions in the transport sector, and will evaluate the impact that funding awarded by the Government to low emission freight projects is likely to have to changing behaviours in the sector. We also expect delegates to consider the upcoming publication of the BEIS emission reduction plan and possible measures to reduce the impact of the industrial sector on air and the environment in the UK.

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