Low Carbon Britain

Add to Calendar 2016-12-01 09.00 2016-12-0117.00 Europe/London Low Carbon Britain

Low Carbon Britain 2016 Developing a Smart, Resilient, Digital Society is a unique conference that will address Great Britain's current carbon reduction position and allow us to hear from those leading and driving the policies and proposals. One of the main focuses of the conference is to discuss how public sector and organisations along with towns, villages and cities can reduce their carbon emissions. In addition highlight the benefits of a low carbon society with more efficient workplaces , warmer healthier homes and benefit from improved air quality.

One Great George Street, London
Date:01 Dec 2016
Website:Visit website
Location:One Great George Street, London
Full Address:

One Great George Street, 1 Great George Street, Westminster, London, SW1P 3AA


Low Carbon Britain 2016 Developing a Smart, Resilient, Digital Society is a unique conference that will address Great Britain's current carbon reduction position and allow us to hear from those leading and driving the policies and proposals. One of the main focuses of the conference is to discuss how public sector along with towns, villages and cities can reduce their carbon emissions. The current situation will be highlighted and a discussion surrounding how this can be improved and delivered will play an imperative part within the conference.

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