Innovation in Sustainable Fuel Webinar Series: Part 2 - Advanced Renewable Diesel

Zemo Partnership EventZemo Partnership Event
Add to Calendar 2021-03-25 10:30 2021-03-25 12:00 Europe/London Innovation in Sustainable Fuel Webinar Series: Part 2 - Advanced Renewable Diesel

Part 2 of series hosted by Zemo Partnership and the Renewable Transport Fuel Association exploring the role of advanced renewable fuels

Date:25 Mar 2021
Time:10:30 - 12:00
Website:Visit website
Contact:Gloria Esposito, Zemo Partnership


Meeting net zero greenhouse gas emissions by 2050 requires a paradigm shift in the way energy is used to transport people, goods and services. The next decade is a critically important period for accelerating greenhouse gas emission reduction, requiring a range of innovative technological and fuel solutions to be brought to market and adopted.

Zemo Partnership and the Renewable Transport Fuel Association hosted a four-part webinar series exploring the role of advanced renewable fuels in decarbonising road and aviation sectors with industry experts.


Part 2: Advanced Renewable Diesel

Session Chaired by Gaynor Hartnell, CEO, Renewable Transport Fuel Association

  1. Thames development fuel project - Chris Brookhouse, Director of Infrastructure, Greenergy
  2. Co-processing and the production of low carbon liquid fuels - Simon Holt, Manager, Value Chain Optimisation (Europe), Phillips 66
  3. Beyond the blend wall: Integrated solutions for a low carbon fuel offer - Olivier Macé, Principal, Broadmanor Consulting Ltd
  4. Using waste plastic to produce renewable drop-in diesel - Martin Atkins, Green Lizard Technology Ltd

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