IEA - Biofuels and Bioenergy: A Changing Climate

Add to Calendar 2009-08-23 2009-08-23 Europe/London IEA - Biofuels and Bioenergy: A Changing Climate Biofuels & Bioenergy: A Changing Climate will feature presentations from international experts in bioenergy technology, policy, and strategy and ample opportunities for networking. Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada
Date:23 Aug 2009
Website:Visit website OR +1-604-822-2434
Location:Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada
Full Address:Point Grey campus, University of British Columbia


Biofuels & Bioenergy: A Changing Climate will feature presentations from international experts in bioenergy technology, policy, and strategy and ample opportunities for networking.

IEA Bioenergy provides opportunities for:

Industry - to be informed of new projects; to work together to develop handbooks or models; to offer early participation of industrial partners in RD&D work.

Policy-makers and decision-makers - to gain an international perspective on progress in bioenergy; to compile guidelines and standards; to gain new perspectives on deployment opportunities and issues.

Researchers - to exchange information on recent developments in R&D through networking, meetings and/or workshops; to provide opportunities for collaborative R&D.


The IEA Bioenergy Conference Biofuels & Bioenergy: A Changing Climate invites the submission of abstracts for oral and poster presentations. All accepted abstracts will be included in the official conference proceedings. Deadline for submission is April 1. Further details available via the adjacent link.

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