EIC Conference - The Carbon Reduction Commitment: Implications for Business

Add to Calendar 2009-04-30 tbc 2009-04-30 Europe/London EIC Conference - The Carbon Reduction Commitment: Implications for Business The Environmental Industries Commission in association with the Department for Energy and Climate Change and the Environment Agency is holding an event aimed at the high level examination of the implications of this major new policy which will regulate carbon emissions from 1000s of organisations. Keynote speaker: Joan Ruddock MP, Minister for Climate Change Central London
Date:30 Apr 2009
Website:Visit website
Contact:Rob Hill at EIC: rob.hill@eic-uk.co.uk
Location:Central London


The Environmental Industries Commission in association with the Department for Energy and Climate Change and the Environment Agency is holding an event aimed at the high level examination of the implications of this major new policy which will regulate carbon emissions from 1000s of organisations.

  • Keynote speaker: Joan Ruddock MP, Minister for Climate Change

The Carbon Reduction Commitment (CRC) is a mandatory auction based cap and trade scheme covering carbon emissions from large commercial and public sector organisations (including supermarkets, hotel chains, Government Departments, and large local authorities). The CRC will cover large businesses and public sector organisations whose 2008 half-hourly metered electricity use is above 6,000 MWh.

The event will be focused helping those organisations that will be operating under the Carbon Reduction Commitment - and their supply chains - understand their responsibilities under the Scheme, how it will work and the challenges and opportunities it will create.

Sponsorship and exhibition opportunities are available for companies wishing to be associated with this high profile event. For more information contact: Rob Hill at EIC on 0207 935 1683 or rob.hill@eic-uk.co.uk


EIC Members - £245 + VAT (usually £295 + VAT)

Public Sector - £295 + VAT (usually £375 + VAT)

Non EIC Members - £395 + VAT (usually £495 + VAT)

*After 28 February - Offer for LowCVP members - 10% discount by quoting LOWCVP10 when booking online*

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