Consumers, Vehicles and Energy Integration - study findings

Add to Calendar 2019-07-03 8.30am 2019-07-031pm Europe/London Consumers, Vehicles and Energy Integration - study findings

CVEI is a comprehensive three year study for the Energy Technologies Institute (ETI), delivered by consultants TRL, in partnership with Baringa, Cenex, and Element Energy, to determine the barriers and motivators which influence consumer uptake and use of electric vehicles and the impact on energy system infrastructure. This event will unveil the findings from a world-first study into Consumers, Vehicles and Energy Integration (CVEI).

Date:03 Jul 2019
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London Transport Museum, Covent Garden, London WC2E 7BB


CVEI is a comprehensive three year study for the Energy Technologies Institute (ETI), delivered by consultants TRL, in partnership with Baringa, Cenex, and Element Energy, to determine the barriers and motivators which influence consumer uptake and use of electric vehicles and the impact on energy system infrastructure. This event will unveil the findings from a world-first study into Consumers, Vehicles and Energy Integration (CVEI).

The two-part study, which included trials with 450 consumers, delivered:

  • the first and largest trial of consumer experience using both Battery Electric Vehicles and Plug-in Hybrid Electric Vehicles for day-to-day journeys;
  • detailed data and insight into consumer behaviour and preferences for different vehicles under both “conventional” and smart charging conditions;
  • an outline of the implications of the changes required to the energy system infrastructure for the UK to be able to transition to a secure and sustainable low carbon vehicle fleet;
  • a Market and Policy Roadmap for decision makers, including the Electric Vehicle Energy Taskforce; and
  • an integrated modelling toolset for further research into off-road charging, managed charging, time of use tariffs, etc.

CVEI examined the barriers and motivators which influence consumers by providing them with back-to-back experience of using Battery Electric Vehicles or Plug-in Hybrid Electric Vehicles and conventional petrol engine car. Across the trials, in-depth data was gathered from vehicles and chargepoints for 584,000 miles of journeys and 15,700 charge events, covering both home and public locations, and consumer surveys were undertaken to understand attitudes, perceptions and choices.

The results contribute significantly to the picture of future UK road transport.

Speakers and panellists include:

  • Phil New, Chair of Electric Vehicle Energy Task Force and CEO, Energy Systems Catapult
  • Fiona Howarth, Octopus Energy
  • Tom Pakenham, OVO Energy
  • Graeme Cooper, National Grid

Spaces are strictly limited to this event. Please register by clicking on the link above.

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