Conference: 'Reducing Transport's Energy Use' - 21 November, London

Add to Calendar 2006-11-21 2006-11-21 Europe/London Conference: 'Reducing Transport's Energy Use' - 21 November, London TBC
Date:21 Nov 2006
Website:Visit website


This one day conference will focus on the transport proposals put forward in the Government's Energy Review, looking at the developments and partnerships needed in order for the Government to meet its targets.

Transport dominates the UK's use of oil with 74% of supply used to power the cars, planes, buses, trains and lorries that we depend on. This conference will question whether enough is being done to reduce transport's reliance on fossil fuels.

The LowCVP have negotiated a £50 discount for our members.  To qualify for this discount please register on-line via the link below and quote ref: 'LowCVP discount' in the comments box.



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