Bus Working Group (Q3) and Decarbonising Public Mobility – Zemo Partnership Zero Emission Mobility Roadmap Workshop

Zemo Partnership EventMembers only
Zemo Partnership EventZemo Partnership Event
Zemo Partnership EventMeeting
Date:14 Sep 2023
Time:10:30 - 13:00
Contact:Tim Griffen


Decarbonising public transport and increasing the use of shared mobility is vital. Some great progress has been made, but this varies widely by region and mode of transport. This workshop brings together Zemo members from the bus, coach and taxi sectors; vehicle, fuel and infrastructure suppliers to consider what else needs to be done. We’ll be asking for your views on current policies, what’s getting in the way and what success is.

As well as your expertise on the day, we’ll be drawing on the extensive work from Zemo’s Bus, Fuels & Infrastructure working groups and industry research.

To participate, please register your interest in joining the workshop by logging in and clicking the 'Attend meeting' link above. Joining instructions will be automatically generated upon clicking 'Attend meeting'. Any papers to read will be sent to attendees ahead of the workshop.

N.B. This workshop is being held in conjunction with the scheduled Bus Working Group Meeting. Please register once to attend both.

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