Member Details

Transport Research Laboratory (TRL)

Crowthorne House
Nine Mile Ride
RG40 3GA
United Kingdom

Switchboard: +44 (0) 1344770689

Sector: Environmental, academic and other

At TRL we're helping our clients to understand the short-term and long-term implications of climate change and to identify the changes required to achieve the emissions reduction targets. This includes: guidance in the development of policies and strategies that encourage more sustainable energy and resource use; research on the effectiveness of particular mitigation and adaption measures; and education and training on climate change.

Our clients range from international bodies and governments to individual businesses. We are working with international clients to ensure the regulatory environment is suited to a range of low carbon vehicle options, including hybrids, electric vehicles and hydrogen vehicles. We provide recommendations, where inconsistencies are found, as to the necessary amendments to existing regulations, including all the technical elements needed to accommodate hydrogen, electric and other low carbon vehicles.

TRL is working with a network of international organisations to identify instruments, indicators and financing mechanisms that will support a sustainable transport system. With our clients we've explored the technological possibilities for achieving low-carbon transport, such as the use of alternative fuels, and their market potential. We also address the opportunities for behavioural change, including eco-driving practices, improving consumer attitudes towards low carbon vehicles, and smarter choices initiatives. We've conducted significant research in the understanding of travel behaviour and assist our clients with demand management.

We fully agree with and support the Zemo Partnership Membership Principles and commit to playing our full part in creating a low carbon future for transport.

Reseach & Development

Various projects associated with low carbon vehicles of all kinds, including electric and hydrogen, e.g.:

  • Legislative developments and safety.
  • Eco driving and consumer attitudes.
  • Life cycle assessments and techniques.

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