Member Details

British Vehicle Rental and Leasing Association

River Lodge
Badminton Court
United Kingdom

Switchboard: +44 1494 434 747

Sector: Transport operators and consumer organisations

Established in 1967, the British Vehicle Rental and Leasing Association (BVRLA) is the trade body for companies engaged in the rental and leasing of cars and commercial vehicles. Through its 500 member companies and their customers, the BVRLA represents the interests of more than two-and-a-half million people who drive at work, as well as the 10 million people who use a rental vehicle each year. The BVRLA promotes the vehicle rental and leasing sector to government, statutory bodies, manufacturers, the media and the public.

The association campaigns at all levels for fair legislation and regulation, and supports responsible use of road transport. Between them, BVRLA members hold the largest vehicle fleet in the UK: 2.5 million cars, vans and trucks. They buy nearly half of all new cars, vans and trucks purchased in the UK each year, spending more than £16bn plus a further 4bn on telematics, insurance, remarketing, maintenance and consultancy. The association's code of conduct sets out the standards the BVRLA expects its members to achieve in all aspects of their business and assures their customers that they should expect the highest levels of professionalism and integrity when renting or leasing a vehicle.

The BVRLA promotes ethical trading, clear pricing, transparent terms and conditions, and high-quality vehicles and customer service standards through the auditing of its members. The association also operates a conciliation service for its members and their customers to help resolve disputes. Find out more at

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